Adda! An innate part of Bengali culture. Our inmates cannot be left behind on this.   Eavesdropping on their conversation is such a welcoming distraction from our mundane routine.

A treat to the ear to hear them discussing the quality of the raw-materials of their products. The designs and styles of rakhis. Ways to make the products more attractive. They confidently approach strangers to enhance their product sale. A step we are often hesitant to take.

They are very concious of their rights too.  They spoke to the local councillor about the bad road conditions that lead to the institution and made him promise a remedy. The gentleman actually kept his word of consent to them and got it repaired. This is Self Advocacy working in it’s own way.

They love it if their parents and other adults participate with them in their adda. However, they are reluctant to have us around when they discuss movies, celebrities and their secret crushes.

Sharing and caring is something that comes naturally to them. They sit together for their lunch. Share the food among themselves and also help those who need support while eating. The child in them just love the food in other’s lunch-box and they go home to demand the same from their mom. Its so touching to see them pass the water when somebody hiccups, to pat the back when one chokes while eating  and to lend a helping hand who has a mobility problem or needs support for their toilet -visit. This love and caring is not a part of their curriculum. It is something that comes naturally to these wonderful souls and we are so proud of them in this world of selfishness and self-cantered attitudes.

Coming backto adda

exchanges leads to arguments and like siblings they sometimes indulge into fist-fighting too. But it is usually their friends who sort out the differences and stop the grapple. ‘Sorry’ is another word that comes so easily from them. How easily they overcome their ego and apologise, a lesson to each one of us.

They have the amazing ability to include light-hearted jabber and teasing between very serious meetings. Their sense of humour is always so welcome in our otherwise serious lives. Their company brings out the best self in us and we realise that they being a part of our life is a boon and not a burden!